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After having this system for more than 1 year it is still causing more headaches than I care to list. I had hoped by now it would have been running smoothly and I am honestly wondering if it ever will. It seems to take for ever to get real issues taken care of. It has tied up a lot of my time over the past year with issues that I would not have expected. – Do you have any other feedback on the support service received?

  • 0/10 – How good were we at understanding your problem?
  • 0/10 – How well did we keep you informed of the status of your call?
  • 0/10 – How satisfied were you with the overall support service provided?


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Hi Charlie,

I appreciate your frustration and understand that there have been a number of issues since going live with the system. Obviously this is not the experience we aim to deliver and apologise for any inconvenience.

I will arrange to visit you and the team along with our senior project manager with a view to addressing and resolving the issues wherever possible.

Many thanks,

Stephen Murray

Stephen Murray –