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as far as I'm concerned the case has not been resolved, the various problems I was encountering are still the same, I was told someone would be back to me, but no one has been – Do you have any other feedback on the support service received?

  • 6/10 – How good were we at understanding your problem?
  • 0/10 – How well did we keep you informed of the status of your call?
  • 0/10 – How satisfied were you with the overall support service provided?


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Hi Nigel

Thanks for your feedback. As discussed, this feedback request was for an issue you had logged which had been resolved and closed. However I appreciate that this resolution may have not been fully explained to you so I will ask the support team to clarify this for you.

The other questions you had as part of the same email into support have been logged separately in our system. These queries are being investigated at the moment and we will have a response for you shortly.

Apologies for any confusion there may have been - please let me know if you have any further issues at all.

Many thanks,
Alan Miles

Alan Miles –