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The problem hasn't actually been resolved. We've merely been told that it will probably be fixed at some future, unspecified date. – Do you have any other feedback on the support service received?

  • 7/10 – How good were we at understanding your problem?
  • 9/10 – How well did we keep you informed of the status of your call?
  • 5/10 – How satisfied were you with the overall support service provided?


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Hi Stuart

Thanks for your feedback. As we advised, this particular problem has been identified by other OpenAir customers and is therefore logged with NetSuite as an enhancement request. Unfortunately NetSuite cannot give us a timescale on when this will be resolved however we have registered your name against this issue and we will be notified once it is resolved. If you could provide our support team with a business impact then we will forward this on to NetSuite and this could help to prioritise the fix for the issue.

Let me know if we can be of any further assistance in the meantime

Best regards,

Alan Miles

Alan Miles –