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Lost use of my computer for nearly an hour with no feedback until I logged questions on logmein script and I had to end the session – Do you have any other feedback on the support service received?

  • 6/10 – How good were we at understanding your problem?
  • 3/10 – How well did we keep you informed of the status of your call?
  • 5/10 – How satisfied were you with the overall support service provided?


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Hi Andrew

It was good to speak with you and again our sincere apologies that we did not inform you that we had resolved the issue and that you could log back in to the PC again. When Jonathan picked up the call he had passed this onto Muyi and Muyi logged on and resolved the problem, however Jonathan had not realised the PC was still connected.

Our support manger has asked our support team to ensure that we now double check that we have logged off PC's when the problem is resolved.

We do appreciate you taking the time to provide feedback so that we can put correct anything that has been wrong. So thank you very much again for highlighting this for us and I was pleased to hear that you have been happy with our support service generally.

Kindest regards, Aileen

Aileen Primrose –