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3 different people had to explain the issue multiple times as the wrong thing kept being investigated whilst all the time we were not taking card payments. We were provided with an explanation of why this was happening which was completely wrong and we were informed of the wrong process which luckily we didn't follow as we knew from training with Kenneth not to do what was instructed. It has taken over a week to get resolved and as a result we have not taken £80k in payments – Do you have any other feedback on the support service received?

  • 1/10 – How good were we at understanding your problem?
  • 5/10 – How well did we keep you informed of the status of your call?
  • 2/10 – How satisfied were you with the overall support service provided?


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Hi Andrea,

Thank you for your feedback on this issue, it is much appreciated. We are really sorry this unfortunate that this issue arose, we were fully aware of the severity of this issue and the importance of resolving this issue as urgently as possible. This particular problem was very difficult to pinpoint based on the information we had available when the call was logged. Only once all relevant information was gathered could we identify and resolve the issue. The issue itself was underlying within the web portal development within a particular area and given it’s complexity it was not something which either of us managed to pick up in our testing or UAT. Due to its reliance on a 3rd party payment provider and the fact that it functioned in some areas and not others made finding a resolution very challenging. We do regret that you encountered this issue and please do be assured our team were very committed to finding the resolution urgently. We are glad that this issue is now resolved and if we can provide any further information please do let us know. Once again we apologise for the disappointment with this support case and thank you for taking the time to feed this back.

Kind regards,

Ronald Meldrum
Support Manager

Ronald Meldrum –